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Salad Days Magazine | February 18, 2025

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MATTAshapes reborn!

MATTAshapes reborn!
Salad Days

Nuno Matta, a surfer on honor, was one of the best Portuguese competitors of the 90’s, disputing National titles, and having a lot of attendances in top 16 of the EPSA European circuit.

Although, even after he stopped the competition, this talented and fearless surfer has always been in the forefront of high performance. Nuno has inside him a indomitable desire to surf. His good performances still call everybody’s attention, in any kind of wave, any time of the year. With all love and dedication, and most of all, the understanding of the relationship between the surfer, the board and the wave, it’s no surprise that his career as a shaper, initiated in the 90’s while Nuno was a competitor (and it was the only European than shaped his own boards).


Therefore, beyond his natural gift, that he always showed in every “fields” of technical side of surf, it’s very important Nuno’s work on the last years. He had the privilege and the opportunity to work, in Portugal and in exclusive with some masters of this art: Ricardo Martins, Jason Koons, Joca Secco, Xanadu, Jon Pyzell, Bill Johnson, and Tim Patterson. This amazing and privileged exchanged has provided Nuno one excellent evolution. Today, Nuno Matta shows a great ability to shape and designing boards. SURF IS HIS LIFE!
João Valente – Surf Portugal Magazine Editor


After working the last years with other projects, Nuno Matta with more than 20 year of shapes come back with their own brand, MATTAshapes Surfboards. New models already tested by the team, who include from South Africa and former WCT Travis Logie, from Spain Eneko Acero, Yael Pena and Diego Suarez, from France Justin Becret, Sam Piter and Len´s Arancibia, from Italy Roberto D´Amico, Angelo Bonomelli and Edoardo Papa, from Holland Yannick De Jager, from UK Rhys Barfield and from Portugal João Moreira, Guilherme Ribeiro, Tomás Valente, Antonio Silva, Quimjo and Martim Paulino.


With 11 models, for all type of conditions MATTAshapes don´t let you out of the water. To help you choose the best board for you go on Volume Calculator page ( and check what model work for your weight and surf level.



PHOTOS BY @matrenophoto



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