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Salad Days Magazine | February 9, 2025

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SIMS // Promo Nine ‘Worth The Squeeze’

SIMS // Promo Nine ‘Worth The Squeeze’
Salad Days

Today, SIMS exists to celebrate the past, foster progression in the present, and push snowboarding forward into the future. Committed to the culture and those who live to ride…

SIMS pays homage to its founder, Tom Sims, and his inspired vision of life on boards. SIMS – Est. 1963. Pure juice. Support the original.

Crafting the first known snowboard as a 13-year-old skateboarder in woodshop class, lobbying a resistant ski community to let us onto the lifts, digging the first halfpipe, putting on the first contests, and building a team of superstars, Toms Sims’ bold vision of surfing down mountains inspired everything in snowboarding we know today. He created the snowboard, and he created the snowboarder. It started with Tom Sims. Kelly and Kidwell fueled the flames, and Salasnek and Palmer burnt the house down. Today’s SIMS team reflects the diversity of the snowboarder. Jump the entire mountain like John Jackson, dodge the camera like Scott Blum, ride the deepest powder of your life, ride the iciest park in your life – it is what you make it, and whatever that is, SIMS makes a snowboard for it.

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