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Salad Days Magazine | January 14, 2025

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WIP Magazine Issue 10

WIP Magazine Issue 10
Salad Days

Spanning over 200 pages, the landmark 10th edition is presented with two covers.

The first features New York musician CLIP, while the second draws from the issue’s central dossier Clockwatchers, which examines the future of work in the face of a looming climate crisis.


Also speak to Baltimore musician Nourished By Time, Brooklyn-based artist Diamond Stingily, and skater Maria Navarro. Additionally, visit Cameroon’s Jail Time Records, who is reconfiguring just what a record label can be, and in Taipei, meet grillz artist Shiningmaker. Meanwhile in Reading, England, filmmaker Cieron Magat examines teenage boredom against the backdrop of a UK high street.


Step into artist Anthony Coleman’s warped world of pop culture references, and travel to the outskirts of America with photographer Robert Leblanc. Elsewhere, the S/S24 collection is shot by photographers Catherine LoMedico, Den Niwa, Tolya Titaev.



The NYC artist tackling fame on her own terms. In an interview taken from WIP magazine’s 10th edition, musician CLIP discusses how her time in Europe prompted a move away from the digicore, cloud rap sound that initially gave rise to her fame, why she remains an unsigned artist, and how studying journalism helped her find her voice. The latest issue of WIP magazine is available at select global retailers, as well as Carhartt WIP stores and online shop.


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