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Salad Days Magazine | February 19, 2025

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Volcom’s 2010 VQS Goldfish Surf Series – Morro Bay, Ca

Volcom’s 2010 VQS Goldfish Surf Series – Morro Bay, Ca

We rolled up first thing in the morning, before the sun came up, to glassy conditions, two weirdo’s doing chest bumps, someone’s car stuck in the sand and rumors of gale force winds forcasted for the afternoon. Perfect, it was time to kick off another Goldfish Surf Series at The Rock in Morro Bay. So with Mother Nature ready to blow we staked down woman and children first, then the tents all before the sun came up. With everything ready to roll, we signed up 120 competitors, two dumbers, one Kurt Harper and partridge in a pear tree and then we kicked things off. The morning had some handy dandy surfing with the competitors taking advantage of the plush conditions. By the time lunch showed up, we were already through the Squids final, the Juniors were ripping each other’s heads off for that $250.00 Muscle Milk money, and the wind was blaring at about 1 million MPH. We locked down the compound, glued everything else to the floor and continued moving on. Check out some photos from the days shenanigans.

Before we knew it the late afternoon had approached and it was time to move into the rest of the finals. Earlier, the Squids were out in full force with Wyatt Walker showing off his skills and taking home some sweet prizes and a Volcom skate deck. The Girls were battled arm and arm and in the end it was Shea Schwennick rising above to take home the win. The Groms came out strong in such force that we decided to give them a little bonus, the Electric Volt Thrower $50 cash move of the event along with an Guitar/amp kit and backpack loaded with goodies, which was snatched up by Vinny Leonelli – who was all smiles after winning. The Juniors division is always fun to watch due to high stakes on the line: $250.00 cash from Muscle Milk. After an impressive show, it was Kyle Timm who pulled out the win and a boat load of other prizes. The stacked Pro-Am final came down to Johnny Craft and Nate Tyler throwing blows for the $500.00 cash on the line, but Nate‘s local knowledge would pay off as he pulled ahead and found himself in the winners circle.

The Goldfish events bring out all different walks of life!

Dane Anderson

Morro Rock hovering 576ft over the contest site.


1. Nate Tyler $500.00
2. Johnny Craft
3. Matt King
4. Tyson Armstrong
5. Rick Gannon
6. Walt Cerney
7. Curt Harper

1. Kyle Timm $250.00 – Muscle Milk
2. Kent Nishiya
3. Mason Reepmaker
4. Dimitri Papasita
5. Danny Berk
6. Ben Shock

1. Vinny Leonelli
2. Cole Walter
3. Connor Lundy
4. Jonah Pierce
5. Joel Wilkie
6. Dryden Brown

1. Wyatt Walker
2. Kai Kelly
3. Willow Kelly

1. Shea Schwennick
2. Aja Linder
3. Victoria Burke
4. Mariah Zepeda
5. Erin Burke
6. Faith Hazen

Electric Volt Thrower
Vinny Leonelli – $50.00

1740 Monrovia Ave
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

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