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Salad Days Magazine | February 9, 2025

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Drain x Descendents ‘Good Good Things’ – 16 agosto CS Rivolta, Marghera (Ve) unica data italiana

Drain x Descendents ‘Good Good Things’ – 16 agosto CS Rivolta, Marghera (Ve) unica data italiana
Salad Days

Trivel e Versus Music Project presentano: Drain – unica data italiana. Rivedetevi il clip di ‘Good Good Things’ loro tributo (e oggi più che mai augurio) di pronta guarigione a Milo.

Già perchè Milo Aukerman, cantante iconico dei Descendents, ha recentemente avuto una attacco di cuore che ha necessitato di un breve ma a quanto pare efficace, ricovero in ospedale che ha comportato la cancellazione delle loro date europee estive. La cover di ‘Good Good Things’ presente nel secondo album dei Descendents ‘I Don’t Want to Grow Up’, è contenuta nel nuovo album ‘Living Proof‘ dei Drain fuori ora. Lo show degli hardcorers californiani originariamente previsto al Bocciodromo di Vicenza il 16 Agosto è spostato al CS Rivolta di Venezia. In apertura suoneranno Last Wishes, Confine, Rainswept!

Ryan Baxley – Director/Camera/Editor
Alice Baxley – Producer
Filmed at Mind Palace Studio, Los Angeles

Written by Bill Stevenson
Engineered by Taylor Young
Mixed by Jon Markson
Mastered by Mike Kalajian


I know a place up in the air
It’s not very far, I’ve been there before
I know a place, cool and warm
Cooling my blood, warming my heart
So come on down and walk with me, and tell me I’m your man
I only want to know a couple of things about you
Where were you when I was in so much trouble with myself
And do you still believe in me like I believe?
I’ve been thinking good-good things about you
Cool and warm, good-good things about you
If you’ve been thinking good-good things about me
So cool and warm when you put your arms around me
On my own, I know where to go
Living the lie, in your eyes
I know a place, cool and warm
Cooling my blood, warming my heart
So come on down and walk with me, and tell me I’m your man
Let’s see if I can get it right with you this time around
I’m not afraid of losing you my little girl
But do you still believe in me like I believe?
I’ve been thinking good-good things about you
Cool and warm, good-good things about you
If you’ve been thinking good-good things about me
So cool and warm when you put your arms around me

#epitaph #livingproof #drain

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