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Salad Days Magazine | February 8, 2025

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Salad Days

Recently, Element asked long time friend, family member, advocate and staff photographer Brian Gaberman to accompany it on a journey.

A physical, 10-day journey that would take them through the North East of the U.S. and lead Gaberman to acknowledge his personal path to maturity, while leading Element to see the many parallels and similarities to its own growth. From the bustling concrete jungle of New York, where both Brian Gaberman and Element found authenticity and legitimacy in skateboarding many years ago; to the rural small town sanctuary of Wolfeboro New Hampshire, where, not unlike Element‘s same-named jacket line, the emphasis lays on endurance, durability and the beauty of simple living, thus serving as a perfect metaphor for Gaberman‘s own personal spot of serenity and place to call home.

Atwater Road_Brian Gaberman

Beaver Tree_Brian Gaberman

Broken House_Brian Gaberman

Missing Piece_Brian Gaberman

Moose Ribcage Brian Gaberman

Root Garden_Brian Gaberman

Wolfeboro_Brian Gaberman

By any means, it became apparent on this trip that their paths have led them both to give right of way to the appreciation of nature, simple living and loyalty to its people and past, and that they are to forever embrace such surroundings and notice the importance it has on shaping what they are today. Whereas Element has transitioned from its colorful past and matured with its consumer, Gaberman has evolved from a great photographer to an outstanding artist. Thus, it only being natural that he had absolute artistic freedom to express Element’s Wolfeboro Collection however he chooses and did so by implementing his beautifully unique form of art, where he has tediously revived an antiquated technique of photography and made it his own. Introducing the Road To Wolfeboro: a coming of age story, of a brand, of an artist, captured through double lenses – the lens of a fine arts photographer with exceptional techniques and the video documenting lens of a maturing brand – and translated on to photo paper and movie reel. It is a road where two entities have developed a state of mind, where nature and family values are embraced as a priority, but where the love for skateboarding will never be denied.





“The Road to Wolfeboro” exhibitions:
Element presents a “The Road To Wolfeboro” exhibition tour from Nov 21st to Dec 4th 2014 with stops in Barcelona, Lisbon and London – showcasing Brian
’s photography, the documentary and live music by Element Advocate Bastien Duverdier aka Képa.
November 21st, Barcelona
November 28th, Lisbon
December 4th, London

Stay tuned for more information on

Element presenta “The Road to Wolfeboro” un documentario con il fotografo e Element advocate Brian Gaberman.
Un viaggio di 10 giorni dalla città origine di Element, New York, fino a Wolfeboro in New Hampshire. Perchè Wolfeboro? Questa città è l’unico luogo che il fondatore e presidente di Element, Johnny Schillereff, considera veramente casa. Questa piccola città rurale, che da anche il nome alla linea di giacche invernali, è un santuario alla bellezza della vita semplice e luogo perfetto per i lavori di Brian Gaberman.

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