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Salad Days Magazine | July 27, 2024

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Go Fast or Go Home: Toes

Go Fast or Go Home: Toes
Salad Days

Toes is a name which since a few years ago has left a rich amount of signs of existence in the streets of Barcelona.

Not only the T in the form of a palmtree has become part of the city, his readable tags is to be seen everywhere on the contaminated surfaces of the city’s walls. Thanks to this latest video from the series “Go Fast or Go Home” MTN get the chance to come along with him while getting down to business.

Toes es un nombre que, desde hace unos pocos años, se esta dejando ver con perseverancia por las calles de Barcelona. No sólo la T en forma parte del paisaje de la ciudad, sus tags de estilo legible adornan muchas superficies ensuciadas por la contaminación. Gracias a este último vídeo de “Go Fast or Go Home” podemos estar a su lado en plena faena.

(Courtesy of

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