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Salad Days Magazine | July 27, 2024

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Markus Keller ‘ChaMaleon’ teaser

Markus Keller ‘ChaMaleon’ teaser
Salad Days

Check out the first trailer from the Swiss snowboarder’s brand-new movie, the curiously titled ChaMäleon…

Markus Keller says he’s a snow-bound polymath, and he’s setting out to prove it with his new film, ‘ChaMäleon’. The jack of all trades is travelling the world and riding with the likes of Dan Brisse, Terje Haakonsen, Eero Ettala and many other high-profile riders to demonstrate his prodigious skills. “They are all specialists in what they do and I’m maybe not on the same level as them, but I can do it all,” says Markus. “I think it’s going to up my riding, I like to work with people who push themselves.”
The movie [pronounced ‘Chameleon’, as in the animal – the Mä in the title refers to Keller’s nickname] will be travelling to places as far afield as Alaska, Finland, Austria and Japan and promises snowboarding action unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
“When I travel, I don’t just sit in the corner I like to hang out with many different kinds of people,” says Markus. “It’s the same on the snowboard, I really like to ride it all. I like diversity. I could not decide if I would prefer a pipe to a jump to a tree run with friends, I really like to switch in between them all.” ‘ChaMäleon’ is due for release in September 2013. Check out the exclusive teaser trailer right here…


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