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Salad Days Magazine | February 14, 2025

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Gianna ‘Sad Cowboy’

Gianna ‘Sad Cowboy’
Salad Days

“Gianna” è il progetto solista di Giovanni Piedimonte chitarrista e compositore classe 1982. Le sue influenze passano dal rock all’elettronica fino alla musica dark.

Con le sue canzoni vuole riuscire a raccontare i momenti più significativi e malinconici della sua vita. ‘Sad Cowboy’ è il nuovo singolo che esce per Gold Leaves Academy, ascoltalo qui:

Recorded at La Distilleria – Produzioni Musicali
Produced by Maurizio Baggio
Mixed and Mastered by Maurizio Baggio
Graphic by Federica Dal Bo

“Gianna” is a solo project by Giovanni Piedimonte, a guitarist and composer born in the year 1982. As a musician and songwriter he is inspired by several genres including rock, electronic and dark music. With his sound he aims to weave a tale narrating the most significant and melancholic moments of his life.

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