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Salad Days Magazine | February 9, 2025

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L’arte di Stephen Milner indaga la narrativa queer nel mondo del surf

L’arte di Stephen Milner indaga la narrativa queer nel mondo del surf
Salad Days

Stephen Milner non è un “artista del surf” nel senso tradizionale del termine.

Lo scultore, fotografo, pittore e stampatore (per citare solo alcune delle sue capacità) californiano è un amante delle onde da tanto tempo. Tuttavia, quando si tratta di comunicare il suo amore per il surf attraverso l’arte, Stephen non sceglie immagini idilliache ma si concentra sull’espressione di mascolinità della cultura del surf. Dalle sculture erotiche realizzate in cera Sex Wax fino a una tavola da surf ispirata dalle sfere specchiate da discoteca, attraverso la storia queer alternativa immaginata nel suo libro ‘A Spiritual Good Time’, Stephen espande i confini “dell’arte da surf” in tutti i modi possibili, e facendolo si diverte come un matto.

Surfing culture is always changing, evolving, moving and improvising—in some ways reflecting the act of surfing itself. And as surfing culture grows to include more voices and represent a broader range of experiences, it only becomes more dynamic. This Pride Month, Quiksilver is celebrating that evolution through ‘Icons Are For Everyone’, a series of stories highlighting LGBTQ+ leaders who are creating a more inclusive surfing culture. You may have read about the work of ever-provocative artist and surfer Stephen Milner, who imagined an alternative, queer surf history in his book ‘A Spiritual Good Time’. Maybe you’ve heard about New York’s Benny’s Club, which hosts surf meetups for queer and BIPOC wave sliders in the Rockaways. Perhaps you follow the Instagram page for Queer Surf Club, which uplifts the surf experiences of queer surfers from around the globe. But if not, it’s time you should. These folks are at the forefront of change in surfing culture—a culture with a history rife with homophobia. They’re making the queer surf experience more visible and creating space for all surfers to more fully express who they are—and surfing culture is better for their efforts. To show its support, Quiksilver will be uplifting their stories all month long, and helping them bring new initiatives to life. Hpe you’ll join us in celebrating these leaders throughout Pride Month, and continue supporting them long after for their work making surfing more inclusive—and more dynamic.

Music: Metro Verlaine

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